Bringing People Together Through Laughter and Competition.
If cornhole had a cool, younger sibling it would be Redneck Horseshoes. Redneck Horseshoes is a fast-growing American toss game that is bringing people together of all creeds, ages, and talent. Once you throw your first bottle, you’re hooked!
One day I picked up a glass Coke bottle and filled it full of sand and started throwing it into an old 5-gallon bucket I had laying around. It was increasingly fun and friends began to join in and it became a regular activity. In 2012, I began to do different iterations of the design by cutting the bucket at specific angles and using one of my dogs old chew toys. After countless hours, I find the optimal angle for the bucket and weight for the thrown objects.

Giving back and making a positive impact in this world is important so when I was invited to help host a “Redneck Horseshoes” tournament to raise money for a family who’s child was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, I jumped at the opportunity. I recruited some friends and we began to custom build a series of sets, and just like any good redneck design, it came with ample duct tape!
The event was a smashing hit. In fact, the cornhole tournament next to us was a ghost town and we were slammed with people laughing and having a great time. People were constantly coming up to me asking where to buy a set. At that moment, I knew I was on to something BIG! We were invited to more events and at each event, we were smashing success.
I began to “think outside the bucket” and started to look for manufacturers to take my prototype to production. Things were starting to come together and the manufacturer said we should have the product within a few months. Then COVID hit… flash forward and we now have a container ship in route with product!
We are very excited as we launch our social game to the masses. Most importantly, I would like to thank all of the Redneck evangalists out there that have made this day happen. Thank you for joining me on this ride!
Jimmy Zeke, Founder and CEO