Local Charitable Organizations
We believe that you must Give Back to receive. Our goal is to be a Community group that supports each others business, as well as local charitable organizations.
RJ’s Mission Foundation exists to advocate for and support those who serve and have served, plain and simple.
RJ’s Mission brings personal stories connecting our Veterans, Active Duty, First Responders, and their Families with our community. Their stories must be honored and remembered to help us all understand how different generations of service members sacrificed for our nation. Many continue to serve each day, and it is up to us to never forget and serve them.

July 2023's Charitable Organization

June 2023's Charitable Organization

We’re a local South Carolina 501(c)(3) non-profit.
Give A Helping Hand For Those In Need
Help us help your sister, brother, mom, dad, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, child, friend…cancer has no limits, and we are here to assist in the fight!
May 2023's Charitable Organization

April 2023's Charitable Organization

March 2023's Charitable Organization
The director of this organization joined us to educate us about what they do.
February 2023's Charitable Organization
Supporting our participant Michelle Fifield in her run for funds!
January 2023's Charitable Organization

12th Annual Bo’s Roast & Chili Cook Off – benefiting local cancer support charities.
*We had over 1000 participants and raised over $50,000 in 2023.
December's Charitable Organization

Christmas is about the children! This will be our ongoing December Charitable focus. If you would like to be a drop off location for 2023, let us know.
November's Charitable Organization

In memory/honor of co-founder Pat Campbell, Sr. who was the reason for the creation of this charitable organization to help patients live longer and better lives.
October's Charitable Organization
Enhancing the quality of life for breast cancer patients in South Carolina.
September's Charitable Organization

The Clear Cell Sarcoma Foundation (formerly Sara’s Cure) is a Charleston, SC based 501(c)(3) with one mission – to make Clear Cell Sarcoma survivable through education and scientific research while ensuring all patients and caregivers impacted have a voice and platform to enact change and strive towards the cure. LEARN MORE & DONATE
August's Charitable Organization

NO ONE WALKS ALONE – We will walk with you as you take on this life changing diagnosis! We are Islands Against Cancer, Inc. a local nonprofit providing tools and assistance so that you and your medical care team can more easily and efficiently navigate the path back to health!